26 June 2007

Vision of Empowering Women Globally

Coming closer to accomplishing our vision of empowering women globally to achieve personal balance through shared wisdom is driving me forward. Each step has reinforced my belief that not only is it necessary, but also that it will have an impact far beyond the individual. Developing partnerships further into both the developing and the developed world will create a bridge connecting women without precedence.

As we all become more global in our movements and thoughts, whether they are brief (business trips or pleasure travel) or more extended (relocation or expatriate assignments) we all benefit from connecting to the local resources both at home and away. Success or failure in these movements can often be defined by a single event or connection. We aim to empower women to find the connections they need for success as individuals, as partners, as professionals and as leaders.

Women are constantly required to reinvent themselves to support multifaceted lives; careers, relationships, family, self. As our lives evolve, we adapt to the environment around us to be the most effective. Our innate skill for multitasking serves us well during these times. We seek out like minded women who can share in the experience through networks and sacred circles. Women strive to maintain personal balance through each adaptation, transition and re-invention. There is much to be gained in the sharing of wisdom during these times.

Whether the need is for local recommendations for getting settled in unfamiliar territory, or the transition from one stage of career to another, or finding support through a challenging life experience, the connection is the same. I believe strongly in simplifying the process by opening the channels across network, organization, culture and geography for women to connect based on their ability and interest in sharing and learning from one another. Our experiences make us unique but not alone.

Working with educational technology tools in the early 1990’s, I was fascinated by the potential to connect globally. Now with mobile access, we have the opportunity to reach previously isolated groups. This is all thanks to technology. The Internet removes cultural and personal barriers that previously limited interaction from one group to another. By harnessing the power of the Internet in a tool to connect women across traditional barriers, we come closer to our vision each day.

22 June 2007


As an entrepreneur whose vision is to help women around the world achieve their personal balance, I feel obliged to admit that I need balance. I have been a passionate practitioner of ashtanga vinyasa yoga for the last five years. After an injury set me back this winter, I found my solice in filling my yoga time with more hours in the office. This, albeit great for building a business, was not very good for my soul.

It was a wonderful winter of enjoying fine food and wine and sitting far to much on my derriere (despite biking to and from work, even through snow). I find myself far too reliant on the rush from caffeine instead of the energy I gain from being fit. I no longer fit in my formerly loose fitting summer clothes. So, alas, I am finally admitting to myself “enough.”

Why do I share this with you, you might ask? We all have experienced something like this at one point or another. And I, for one, am with you sister. My vision for 2BalanceU, was somewhat selfish in it roots. I wanted something like it, and then decided to apply my experience and network to create it instead of waiting to it to happen miraculously on its own. But that does not mean that I am the vision of balance. I strive for it, and sometimes I feel close. But the best that I can do is to “walk the talk” and help others find the tools to do the same.

20 June 2007

What is Balance?

I keep hearing the question, “what is balance.” I feel obliged to respond and define this question of balance. Balance is personal state. No two people share the same balance point. Balance is about finding the point where you feel that you can achieve your potential without being torn in a multitude of directions. Balance is where you feel satisfaction. Balance is dynamic. Where your balance point was ten years ago, is probably quite different from where it is now. It is affected by changing priorities, preferences and environments. There are three attributes to balance that are absolutely critical; physical, emotional and spiritual.

We must care for our bodies, as the vessels which carry us through this life. They must be strong and we must treat them with kindness and forgiveness as well as appreciation. This means we are obliged to respecting our physical bodies, and their limitations, by occasionally pampering them and always maintaining them. We should marvel at their resilience and appreciate every mark and scar as it carries our experiences. Personally, I have found yoga to be instrumental in achieving this. I have a greater appreciation and understanding of my own physical as well as spiritual self.

Emotionally, we must find satisfaction in that which we do. We cannot base our goals and our needs on that which our environment imposes upon us. This creates diminished feelings of self and isolation. There are millions of women in this world that we can relate to. The advantage of the internet and other tools is that we can find the individuals that can support and encourage us to strive for excellence in that which feeds our emotional needs. Your ambition might be to run a multinational organization or to be a stay at home mom, or a teacher, or all of the above. Seek like minded individuals who can support you emotionally in your efforts to achieve your ambitions without judgment.

Spiritual balance does not refer to religion. It is being at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. When we are spiritually balanced we are able to give our utmost in all areas of our lives. When we care for ourselves, we are open to care for others. When we strong ourselves, we are able to carry others. When we cease to judge ourselves, we cease to judge others. We can achieve our greatest potential when we remove the barriers of judgment. Balance is reflected in our ability to accept and embrace our differences and not let them become barriers to our own success or others.

What is balance? It is a personal state in which we feel strong enough to achieve our greatest potential.

14 June 2007


We all hear and say, “things happen for a reason.” I, for one, truly believe this is so. Had I never taken the path with as many detours and risks that I chose, I would never have to come to where I am now. I would never have been as passionate about the work that I do, from all perspectives.

All of the wonderful women who have crossed my path helped define who I was along the way and influenced my life and work. It is somewhat selfish to want to connect them all to share a little bit of the wisdom. Some crossed my path only briefly but left a profound mark. Others have been there consistently along the way. Regardless of duration, there mark was made, and I believe our paths crossed for a reason. They helped me gain perspective in an ever increasingly complex world.

I am encouraged to see an increasing amount of activity around the globe that validates our work. There is growing support for women entrepreneurs from both a political and business standpoint. Their success is vital to stability and vitality. The recognition of the value of mentoring has jump-started programs in organizations and communities. Women are learning how to differentiate self-caring from selfishness. Once they are strong, they achieve balance and are more productive and satisfied. Corporations are recognizing the value of women in management and the board room. There is still a ways to go here, but at least they are talking about it.

All this to say things happen for a reason. We all want to feel we have a purpose. Mine is to connect women to share wisdom that helps them achieve their potential and find satisfaction. I believe the reason is that women will pass it on to all the people that their lives impact; families, communities and nations will benefit. We all are here for a purpose, whether to pass on a piece of sage advice or to help a future president with kindness in their moment of weakness.

Some things to take note of:

FCEM World Association of Women Entrepreneurs

The Girl’s Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch), Friedman & Yorio

The Hidden Brain Drain Taskforce, Center for Work-Life Policy

Oprah’s Women’s Empowerment Retreat

TIAW (The International Alliance for Women) Women on Boards Program

Namaste (in honour of the light in me that recognizes the light in you),


12 June 2007

Sharing of Self

I am reminded today of the challenge of balance between those whom we love and that which we love to do. I am truly passionate about my work and that makes it a pleasure. So much so, that I often get deeply immersed and lose track of time. It is a luxury to be able to do so. I often get so absorbed that I miss the little moments that pass by me, both good and bad.

I find great satisfaction in the genuine smiles and laughter of my children, and myself. It is far too rare that we catch ourselves in that intense, unavoidable belly laugh that comes from the soul. It warms the heart and brings new life to everything around it. I was blessed with a moment such as this as a started my day bathing in the Öresund Straights with my six year old son. As I arose from the water with seaweed on my head, he reminded me to laugh at myself and enjoy the silliness of the moment. Continuing my day with a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart, I am refreshed. I can laugh at my silliness and enjoy my seriousness. I am inspired by the women I interact with, the winks, the struggles. Thank you all for being an inspiration.

07 June 2007

Tradition of Women Sharing Wisdom

Women Sharing Wisdom is the oldest form of education and communication. Sharing wisdom ensures the survival of the next generation and the community as a whole. In the information age, we are provided tools to simplify this process. We are now are able to seek answers from individuals in far reaching corners of the globe, as well as those next door. As our lives become more complex, we are in need of better tools to navigate the transitions we go through.As modern women, we our required to reinvent ourselves on a regular basis. Traditions come and go, and the rules are always changing. In order to best prepare ourselves, we need to expand our community of sharing to include others outside our traditional, geographical and organizational boundaries. We choose our own paths, whether it be career, motherhood, entrepreneur, adventurer or all of the above. There is no need to forge it alone. We can find support in the decisions we make, in the transitions we go through and the unexpected bumps along the way.

As a passionate expat career woman who also happens to be happily married and mother of two adventurous souls, I have found the greatest sources of wisdom have the been the women that have crossed my path unexpectedly. My inspiration for the work that I do is the relationships that I have been blessed with along this journey. I have always been one who learns from experience living by the words of, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.”

06 June 2007

Sharing Wisdom in a Vacuum

As an entrepreneur, living in a foreign land, working online with virtual teams in other time zones, I have to admit, I have been caught in a vacuum once or twice. I am writing about this, because as I share this with other entrepreneurs, I find that I am not at all alone. We all have moments where that despite our passion for our work, we crave human interaction and immediate feedback.

I must say that Skype has been heaven during development. Just keeping the video call going after the conference call ends, keeps that camaraderie that is missing. After all there is nothing like someone catching you laughing at yourself for your writing something silly. In fact it makes you feel completely human.

We now are embarking on the testing of the prototype. It is great to get direct feedback and begin to contribute and experience what you all will eventually get to enjoy. Meeting with people, I am reminded to practice what I preach and follow my instincts. If I need feedback, so do those around me. Thank you ladies. After all, we are in the information age not the 50s, we should never need to be stuck in vacuum again, unless we choose to be.

05 June 2007

Greetings Wise Women

There is much to say on the topic of “women sharing wisdom.” and the motivation behind creating a venue for women to do so in a constructive and beneficial format. The purpose behind this blog is to communicate my incentive and passion for embarking on such a journey. I wish to share some of the interesting and inspiring events and people that have made an impact along the way. I hope you will find this an opportunity for giving me feedback and expressing your desires in terms of how we best can enhance our work, both in our site and our workshops. Let us know where we are needed and what we can do better. I look forward to sharing with you and hearing what you have to say.

First Annual Girls Retreat 2005

The original group of friends that inspired my work on 2BalanceU was the result of a girls’ retreat weekend that became the spark. All educated, intelligent, adventurous women, we shared our stories, our time, some tears and lots of laughter. Some knew each other well, others not at all. We learned about ourselves, and each other through simple sharing. We realized what we were capable of and how easy it was to find the tools to make that happen. My dream is to create this on a global scale to connect women locally and globally for sharing with their unlikely and more obvious friends. We all have experience to lend both personal and professional. And we all need it once in a while. As we continue to reinvent ourselves through each transition in life, it is always comforting to know there is a supporting woman who has been there and can lead the way.