28 November 2008

Health and Beauty in Balance

Thank you Rùna for yet another great discussion on Connected-Women.com. I see all these things as interrelated and therefore they impact our balance, as Rùna mentioned. You each have a critical point in there about self. What we sometimes forget is that putting self (health, diet and beauty) as a priority is not "selfish." But rather it is essential for us to take a holistic approach to our lives and look inside (say aaah). If we do not have our health, we cannot achieve our goals professionally or personally (our families, our businesses and we suffer). If we do not eat right, we lose our health. If we do not pay attention to our health, we lose our beauty.

Beauty, of course, can be perceived in two ways here, so it is important to address both the internal and external. We know we feel good when we look our best. We therefore our setting ourselves up for greater success, because we reflect how we feel to others. But internally if we are conflicted and not being true to ourselves, it reflects as strongly, if not stronger. So authenticity and allowing time to feed our passions are drivers of beauty.

So as to a question, funnily enough I think it comes full circle into what some might not consider a "health, diet, beauty" topic. How to prioritise nurturing our health and beauty so that we may be more successful and fulfilled? After all, STRESS is the biggest influence on health, bad habits in diet and, yes ladies, beauty (seen any wrinkles or bad skin lately?).

It is cold and dark in Sweden now. To combat this I am doing yoga, not bringing my laptop home on weekends so I can play with my kids (increasing the laughter - great for abs and general happiness), trying to get my husband in bed before I fall asleep (does wonders for health), drinking more water, etc,... all just a start, but anything helps.

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